Bookmarked and distracted by pretty things.

internet recluse
1 min readJul 6, 2021

I totally meant to keep doing this, I swear! Incidentally, I have ended up with 128 open tabs.

Audio Drums
The mid to late 00’s were a magical time for online music. MySpace was dead or dying, Twitter beat out Pownce, and the Zune Social still was not a thing. It pains me that a great number of blogs from back in the day are no longer with us, but it’s wonderful to see Audio Drums still kicking every once in a while. I would highly recommend checking it out. David looks to have much of his playlists on Spotify.

Buy Music Club
I’ve had BMC bookmarked for a while now, but honestly I had never spent much time on it. This is going to change. It’s a bunch of music nerds sharing lists of music and artists worth your time.

John Baldessari, Misc
I only learned of John upon his passing last year, and his website is no longer around either. His body of work is extensive, fantastic, and fucking weird. I hope to get a book or three of his work some day.

Belfast Fanciers Club
I’ve had this in my bookmarks for years, and only dropped by every now and then. I got carried away with going through previous entries, and there’s one on Page 3 about Collate. I don’t remember much of Collate other than it being my kind of collection of visually pleasing things.

