Bookmarked, the why.

internet recluse
1 min readJun 14, 2021

I have finally compiled all fifteen-something-thousand of my bookmarks, scattered across browsers, computers, and platforms. Well, almost all of them. I’m still in the process of getting every liked Tweet in a digestible format.

So, why would any irrational human bean want to ever subject themselves to a gloriously trash heap of a decade’s worth of bookmarked pages? Chances are that a good number of the pages have been lost to the unyielding digital void. Perhaps the Wayback Machines were not able to preserve that information.

Everything collected here caught my fascination, and I look forward to revisiting these bits of my past. I dare not consider how long this may take to organise and clean up, or the iterations I will need to go through.

It will be something wonderful, and I can hardly wait to share some weird and wonderful things with you, my dear friends.

Fucking oath though. This is a lot more than I was anticipating.

