Bookmarked, What have I gotten myself into?

internet recluse
3 min readJun 16, 2021

I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, and I haven’t even started. For my own sanity, I have started off with setting up three folders to aid with filtering through the bookmarks.

Right now I’m going to work in two of these: The Junk, and the Polished Turds are their working names. Appropriate file management has never been a strong suit of mine.

The Junk is loosely-organised chaos, littered with all the bookmarks of the past decade and some. Folders are simply a myth here.

The Polished Turds, on the other hand, serves as a Limbo for the bookmarks that make it through. This will serve to establish some sort of proper organisational structure, as well as a filter for those that don’t quite make it.

I will worry about the third folder another day.

I will also take this opportunity to mention that Vivaldi’s Bookmarks modal could stand for some minor tweaks. Functionally it’s excellent and does what you would expect, but it could benefit from allowing its height to adjust.

Casting Graphite in Gold
Years back I followed Daniel Eden on Twitter. He’s a clever and insightful designer, and I value what he shares. ‘Casting Graphite in Gold’ is a welcome rediscovery to read. You should definitely spend some quality time on his blog — you will not regret it.

I will admit that I had totally forgotten about P&C. I certainly cannot afford any of the goods they stock, but I’m happy enough just to look. I’ve added this to my feed reader so I can view their updates as they come in. Plus, they have a link to some need vintage hardware which is totally my jam!

CW&T Tripod Light
This has been in my bookmarks for years. I was never interested in the light, just the tripod. And you can’t get that tripod anywhere, at least not for an insane amount of money. But damn, that’s one beautiful bit of kit.

Dan Oliver’s website of words
This website is dead. Thankfully the Wayback Machine has been able to capture some pages dating back years, and it looks like Dan has started up his own company over at Honestly, I can’t see myself going through the older entries on Wayback, but it’s great to see Dan’s success.

Daniel Gray’s Blog
What a delightful rediscovery! I’ve had to fight the desire to go down the rabbithole of links. It is quite opportune to read the brief post from March 25, 2020 where he quotes Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech — the timing of this in my life is unreal. Just do the damn thing brilliantly. Especially if the cat exploded.

Case Study: G . F Smith
I’m not going to make an account just to read this. At least, not yet. But I’ll have to add D&AD to my bookmarks.

decapitate animals
I’m guessing it’s dead. This was one of my favourite tumblrs in days long gone, for reasons I cannot recall. I hope sincerely that some of their stuff is up on Wayback.

David Aire’s Advice for Design Students
I’m keeping this. I don’t care that I’ve got several books that repeat this same stuff. Without a doubt, this is a great selection of advice on how to not take bullshit.

HyperZoa Hi–Impact Condensed
I am all about some strong, condensed type. You want to get to my heart? Do it with some of this. Hrrng. Oh, and if you’re anything like me you’re going to get lost in David’s work.

I love the behind-the-scenes and transparency from the team behind CARBON. This is some grade-A cyberpunk goodness, and not in a 2077 kind of way. That aesthetic is gritty af. I’ve added this to my feeds for future updates.

DESIGNerd — An interview with Allan Savory
If there is just one link you click or tap on today, let it be this. I’ve gone ahead and saved it already for repeated reading in the future. This is a sobering read.

