File Management Obsessions

It started, as all epics do, with a simple mission: “Organise your bookmarks.”

And I got distracted, hardcore. The bookmarks aren’t close to finished.

I moved onto finally tidying up my iCloud content. I want to merge my photo libraries and get my Lightroom edits to match as close as possible to the edits I’ve processed in VSCO. So far, I’m not even close.

And now I’ve realised I still have my downloaded cache of music from the long-dead Groove. Of course, all the music is DRM’d to hell. I’ve ended up generating a complete filelist, and steadily going through every listed album and band manually through iTunes.

At least I have the excuse that it’s great to rediscover what I used to have. With any luck, I’ll find this one song I’ve been chasing for years now.

That would be lovely to find.

